Query & Schultz

Query & Schultz

Hear Query & Schultz weekdays from 3pm - 7pm for a different take on sports in Indianapolis.Full Bio


NFL Discussing Anthem "Solutions"

NFL owners all have one thing in common - they run an NFL team - but they have differing viewpoints on how to handle the National Anthem. The group is discussing solutions to what may of them is a problem, and they're kicking around the following ideas:

- Allow each team to implement its own policy

- Clear the field of all football personnel while the anthem is played

- Instruct players who don't want to stand to remain in the locker room during anthem

- Impose penalties on teams/players who do not stand, including a 15-yard penalty and/or fines

- Add contract language that requires players to stand

- Leave the current policy in place

What would you want to see happen?

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