Query & Schultz

Query & Schultz

Hear Query & Schultz weekdays from 3pm - 7pm for a different take on sports in Indianapolis.Full Bio


The Return of the Numbers Game!

Our Numbers Game is back, this time with help from our friends at Tito's Handmade Vodka!

Here are the details:


- Call the show (239-1260) during our designated times Monday through Wednesday this week and give us a number 1-33. You will receive a driver randomly assigned to that number. 

- If your driver wins the race, is the biggest mover (largest improvement from starting position to finishing position), or first out, you're a winner!


- First place (race winner): A Traeger grill!

- Second place (biggest mover): A Yeti cooler!

- Third place (first out): A Tito's gift basket!

All prizes include lunch - and a beer, if you want - with us at Keystone Sports Review. (That was our sole prize in the past and no one ever seemed to cash it in...)

If you're one of the lucky 33 to enter the contest, you can tweet about it by using the hashtag #TitosHandmadeVodka! Good luck!

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